Dear all,

We have recently “joined” the area of EPR spectroscopy and we have some questions regarding the spectrum analysis. I would appreciate it if anyone could provide us with valuable answers or literature references.

1)      How do you make the choice of the ideal (optimum) spectrum of your sample (dissolved in DCM, C 10-3 M) and how do you verify that your data are correct?

2)      Easyspin requires the introduction of the number of expected parameters. If for example, I have 3 Nitrogens in my structure, I expect to receive 3 hyperfine couplings. However, how do the substituents affect the number of the expected parameters? e.g., in the literature the “CF3” substituent gives an additional hyperfine coupling but not always; so what defines the additional hyperfine coupling?

Noting that the instrument we are using for the measures is the “Adani EPR spectrometer”

Thank you in advance.

Best wishes,


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