I would like to know what's your approach to prevent environmental pollution. We are working on CO2 capture using alkanolamines solutions, so and for you ?
I think that the main thing to reduce environmental pollution is the disuse of plastic in all food packaging, reduce the water footprint and minimize the use of fossil fuels, especially in transport and industries.
To prevent environmental pollution, i think that the main methods to reduce the pollution is to reduce the quantity of plastic in industrial, reduce fossil fuels that uses in industries and transportation, minimize the solid waste, minimize the metals and gases in industries, environmental impact assessment should incorporate the toxic emissions especially carbon emission issue.
To prevent environmental pollution or we can say problems is an tough task. By reducing our daily unwanted needs and by living a simple lifestyle, control on population growth and awareness etc, can be adopted towards achieving this goals
If we truly want to prevent pollution or at best reduce it to the barest minimum then individuals, corporate organisations as well as government at the various levels need to obey extant environmental laws and regulations at the local, national and international levels. Similarly, regulatory agencies should be strong enough to enforce such laws, and bring to book or sanction anyone who goes contrary to the law. To this end, the government, professional organisations, donor agencies and public spirited individuals should all get involved in creating awareness and educating the populace on the need to protect our environment. This we can achieve through efficient and sustainable utilization of natural and man-made resources. The right time to act is NOW.