Is there any easy way to find a default setting to format my references in EndNote to comply with these guidelines:
As a quick summary, I am looking to cite name & year in the text (Smith et al., 2009). But the reference list needs to look like:
Format Author A, Author B, Author C. yyyy. Title of the article. Abbr Jrnl Title. ##(##):####–####. doi:##############. PMID: ######## [optional].
Duffy J, Johnsen P, Ferris M, Miller M, Leighton K, McGilvray M, McNamara L, Breakwell L, Yu Y, Bhavsar T, et al. 2017. Safety of a meningococcal group B vaccine used in response to two university outbreaks. J Am Coll Health. 65:380–388. doi: 10.1080/07448481.2017.1312418. PMID: 28362241.