One should never make self-propaganda – unless as a rational means to save all. I do therefore humbly apologize for my presenting the following list of highlights to you:
Lawful chemical biogenesis [found when I was 20]
Smile theory [enables a causal therapy for the physiological autism of mirror-competent bonding animals]
Liquid automata
Brain equation
Spiral chaos - Hyperchaos - Generic Fractals
Jumping identities between classical particles at invisible boundaries in position space [found when I was 40]
Global c, retrieved [the early Einstein, rehabilitated]
Zwicky’s 1929 infinite eternal cosmos à la Saint Augustine, confirmed
Cryodynamics, sister of deterministic Thermodynamics [found when I was 70]
CERN camouflages its inability to renew its planetary safety report LSAG from early 2008, but continued and plans to continue further in the biggest crime of history