Generally speaking, we are surrounded by both in-door and out-door noise pollution.Among other types of pollution, noise pollution has received less attention simply because it cannot be seen, tasted, or smelled. Fortunately, there are various ways to reduce noise in the house. For one thing, an innovative general lay out can minimize the noise level. For instance, noisy machines can be placed in areas not close to the resting areas. Another thing is that we can get better results by using noise friendly flooring like vinyl which provides better noise reduction due to its excellent sound absorption qualities. Finally, the kinds of furniture we use can also be a great sound absorber as they can reduce echo and sound vibrations effectively.
I would plainly tell all the above would disrupt my peace of mind and work. However, these days I am so used to all these that I find a silent ambience disturbing and giving me a sense of solitude.
Like it or not, we are surrounded by undesirable sources of in door pollution.The noise and hubbub ruins our concentration and impairs our ability to think. In addition, there's always some noise worming in. Neighbors shouting. People laughing. Televisions roaring. All these sources of emotional disturbance are simply one of the harsh realities of modern life spraying our moods negatively. However, life has to go on regardless of unpleasant noise pollutants affecting our health and happiness.
It does depend on the model and age of the appliance, as well as how often does one use them.
Noises from supply trucks comming from outside, as well as vehicle sirens seem to be quite strong. Producing companies must think the populace is universally deaf (or hard of hearing) and needs a major auditory prodding.
Airplanes flying overhead are also a great offender, even if one does not live close to an airport. Regardless of how well are one's windows insulated, it is still audible.
Then, there is always the issue of of inconsiderate, loud neighbours...Not to mention their pets (+ the smell bonus, they bring with them). :)
Air conditioners are probably the worst, but consider that they don't improve the situation because they bring in humid air which is what you don't want. The body wants dry air, not humid air.