There is an effect of the catalyst's size on the yield and the stereochemistry of the product. The following is a recent review article which covers this topic:
Review Article
Size- and shape-dependent catalytic performances of oxidation and reduction reactions on nanocatalysts
Shaowen Cao,ab Franklin (Feng) Tao,*a Yu Tang,a Yuting Lia and Jiaguo Yu*b
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Chem. Soc. Rev., 2016, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C6CS00094K
Received 05 Feb 2016, First published online 08 Jun 2016
Heterogeneous catalysis is one of the most important chemical processes of various industries performed on catalyst nanoparticles with different sizes or/and shapes. In the past two decades, the catalytic performances of different catalytic reactions on nanoparticles of metals and oxides with well controlled sizes or shapes have been extensively studied thanks to the spectacular advances in syntheses of nanomaterials of metals and oxides. This review discussed the size and shape effects of catalyst particles on catalytic activity and selectivity of reactions performed at solid–gas or solid–liquid interfaces with a purpose of establishing correlations of size- and shape-dependent chemical and structural factors of surface of a catalyst with the corresponding catalytic performances toward understanding of catalysis at a molecular level.
Please, find in attach a pdf of the review that suggested by Prof Rafik (who gave nice answer) (in case you couldn't get it as pdf form). The file is on:Size- and shape-dependent catalytic performances of oxidation and reduction reactions on nanocatalysts, Shaowen Cao,ab Franklin (Feng) Tao,*a Yu Tang,a Yuting Lia and Jiaguo Yu*b