Hi, I am trying to do potential energy calculation of a triatomic molecule (e.g. carbon dioxide), using Gaussian.
I firstly calculated initial guess of molecular orbitals using HF method on 6-31G basis set.
Here is my code..(HF_Initial_Guess_code.txt).
I generated .chk file and a log file.
Next I used this .chk file to use CASSCF.
Here is my code..(co2_cassfcom.txt)
I took internuclear distance R starting from 1.8 Angstrom till 2.6 Angstrom, while the minimum of the potential is at 1.16 Angstrom.
The reason that I choose R well beyond the minimum is because at 1.16 Angs the calculation was not converging (Plot attached).
So my question is that can I use Scan and Opt keywords together? (I checked, but it did not work). Although I have seen examples where Optimization and Scan both are used, but Scan keyword is not used(R parameter is scanned with 'S' command). Since my task is to achieve Energy vs R in a tabular form (which can only be achieved using Scan), how can I get this done?
And is there any alternate way to get potential energy at each R value which is properly optimized?
Thanks in advance to those who look at such a long question and help me out.