The so-called "tunelling effect" gives a non zero probabilitu for an electron to surpass a potential barrier i.e violates the fladsic "energy battle rule"(between energy and external potentials) that decides if a particle moves*

Its theoretical explanation is not elaborate (to my knowledge). It is named a quantum effect and this is enough to bypass the issue

But, if one recalls the Dirac sea theorization, in that fluctuations of the vavuum (experimentally proved by Casmir effect) can it actually constructively explain it by besides the non real wavefunction workings in the superpositions ?

These fluctuations and the negative energy can interact with positive mass momentarily, altering the status, but eventually endrgy must be "paid back". Is there an after effect theorized afyer tunelling thst we can relate to a possible involvement of the Dirac sea?

Is there such an attempt to explain or theorize the tunelling effect in the literature?

*An undertheorized rule, in my opinion, which I plan to develop further

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