It does and i think this is generation gap. Social media and other advancements in information technology has made drastic rather disastrous changes in the family bond especially in countries like Pakistan. However it all depends on the use also.
We cannot say that social media is the sole cause of decresing relationship with family members. I do agree with Anam that there are also other reasons having their roots in cultural and social aspects. Overall our society is moving towards nuclear families. If at one side new generation is heavly dependent on social media but on other hand they are using it to connect and communicate with their family members as well
A study of 2000 British residents was conducted quite recently by Slater & Gordon (family law practitioners). It suggested that Facebook and social media usage can lead to divorce.
Social media (networks) are massively addictive. Most people I know check and interact on social sites constantly throughout the day. And they have no idea how much actual time they spend on social media.
For years, experiences were lived largely “offline.” Our interactions have been in person, in front of a television, or through headphones. But times are different. Internet technologies and social media have enhanced our online experiences. We enjoy interactivity, video, audio, and pictures just as much from computer screens as from offline experiences.
We want to learn, share, and interact from the comfort of our mobile devices more than ever.