07 September 2019 3 5K Report

Hey guys! Looking for some statistical advice to anticipate review response.

I have done an intervention with 3 groups, 2 of which are in the intervention and 1 that is control. The 2 intervention groups are completeing sled training to potentially increase sprint performance, but they only differ with training load (heavy vs very heavy). The control group continues with normal practice (another team within the same pro soccer league that does not use systematic acceleration training).

All groups have been divided evenly so that initial sprint performance (mean + CI) is similar, therefore we are using pre sprint performance as a covariate in the ANCOVA. There is only one factor (one time point), therefore One-way.

One of my study questions is whether training with heavy sleds is better than doing nothing concrete (i.e. non systematic acceleration training). Therefore, my question is, would it be statistically appropriate to pool the heavy and very heavy sled groups to answer this question, also considering sample size is only 9 (sled 1) + 9 (sled 2) + 10 (control).

The second study question is whether heavy or very heavy worked better, where a simple independant t-test will suffice.


Thanks for all the help!

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