08 August 2018 2 9K Report

Hello, we are Master students!

we would like to know the answer to the above question ;)

We do pipetting of sediments in solution (H2O) that come from a approx. 100 g of soil.

In a few samples we do not have enough material (e.g. 50 g). When we fill the soil into the beakers, is it okay to leave the amount of H2O the same within the same beaker or should we reduce the amount of water to 50%?

We stir the solution and then let the stuff sediment for 3.5 hrs.

I think that reducing the amount of water is appropriate so the density with the water stays the same so the amount of collisions stay the same which could affect the rate of sedimentation.

But does this in any way affect the result which would be the particles settled or in supension or would it only make a slight/negligible difference (probably depends on the hypothesis, but would you do it or not, would the resut be more concrete with in this case halving the amount of water?)?

Thank you for an answer! Regards

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