Hi there! I perform a lot of blood sugars and I always wonder if the viscosity of the blood correlates to the blood sugar level. Have you had this thought and if so, what is your experience? So far, they don't appear to be correlated.
Just be carefull with blood rheology: blood is a non-Newtonian fluid. In fact, it is a “shear-thinning” or “pseudoplastic” fluid: the greater the deformation rate (or shear rate) imposed on it, the smaller its “apparent viscosity”. You should not refer to the “viscosity” of such fluids, since “viscosity” is the name of the flow property associated with Newtonian fluids!
On an intuitive basis, I guess blood “apparent viscosity” will increase as the glucose concentration in the blood goes up. Viscous effects are related to the exchange of molecules between neighbouring fluid layers, flowing with different velocities (we say, there is a velocity gradient between those fluid layers). The faster the rate of molecules exchange between layers, the smaller are the viscous effects. Since glucose (C6H12O6) molecules are much bigger than water (H2O) molecules, they would hinder water molecules jumps between those layers. This corresponds to a decreased rate of linear momentum transfer between those layers or to an increased “apparent viscosity” of blood. Of course, glucose molecules can also jump between those layers, decreasing the viscous effects. However, glucose molecules are about ten times heavier than water molecules, and the thermal agitation effects responsible for the molecules’ jumps, are much less effective for glucose molecules than for water molecules.
Any one can take four cups of lukewarm water, each cup capacity 160 cubic centimeters, on an empty stomach one hour before breakfast. This works to reduce viscosity and blood sugar at the same time and that is an very easy way