Bioresonance is a non-invasive therapy which involves placing electrodes on your skin for diagnosis and treatment. The electrodes are connected to a Bicom machine which checks the energy wavelengths coming from your body, and then counteracts bad frequencies by restoring the optimum balance.
I would like to remind my distinguished colleagues that ResearchGate is about scientific research based on the scientific method. Therefore, I believe that RG is not a good place to discuss usefulness of pseudoscientific devices like "Quantum health scanner". Apparently, the use of similar devices has been banned in the US.
Religion is a serious thing, this is not.
Actually it is proven that if you strongly believe in some healing method, it works provided it is not harmful. Is the placebo effect.
Let's hope this is the case.
I don't agree that it is a fake science.
If you check Medical Subject Headings of Pubmed, you can see that Bioresonance Therapy was indexed under the Complementary Therapy between 1989-2014. Since 2014, it is indexed under magnetic field therapy.
In addition, there are a lot of articles, books or evidence based studies in the literature. Such as;
Electromagnetic fields in the treatment of chronic lower back pain in patients with degenerative disc disease. Arneja AS, Kotowich A, Staley D, Summers R, Tappia PS.
Future Sci OA. 2016 Feb 11;2(1):FSO105.
Evidence for the efficacy of a bioresonance method in smoking cessation: a pilot study. Pihtili A, Galle M, Cuhadaroglu C, Kilicaslan Z, Issever H, Erkan F, Cagatay T, Gulbaran Z. Forsch Komplementmed. 2014;21(4):239-45.
The Application of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (PEMFs) for Bone Fracture Repair: Past and Perspective Findings. Daish C, Blanchard R, Fox K, Pivonka P, Pirogova E.
Ann Biomed Eng. 2018 Jan 22. doi: 10.1007/s10439-018-1982-1.
I think, rather than characterizing as fake, being inquisitive and searching for evidence based information is an option.
Best regards
Effects of low intensity, pulsed magnetic fields on bone repair, even if not completely explained, are proven, as well as RF heating has been widely used in physiotherapy.
These are magneto-therapy and the so called Marconi or radar therapy.
When someone calls something "a resonance" should explain which system does resonate with which kind of wave with some equations.
Possibly in peer reviewed literature, not as in this particular case, by web published slideshows.
Hi again
First of all i am not a fan of bioresonance therapy. I'm just saying that rather than defining a method fake or not serious, it is more appropriate to ask to the authors about the evidence based data for the new method they're putting forward. When i first heard about these kind of therapies i found it suspicious. But when i searched in MeSH or Pubmed, i found articles about this and similar topics. I just wanted to share this information, nothing more.
Here some peer reviewed articles
Bull Exp Biol Med. 2002 Sep;134(3):248-50.
Effect of bioresonance therapy on antioxidant system in lymphocytes in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
[Bioresonance therapy in treatment of allergies. Every person has his own vibration pattern. Interview by Beatrice Wagner].
Süss S. Fortschr Med. 1997 Apr 20;115(11):16, 18.
Best regards
The original question was "Bioresonance is a non-invasive therapy which involves placing electrodes on your skin for diagnosis and treatment. The electrodes are connected to a Bicom machine which checks the energy wavelengths coming from your body, and then counteracts bad frequencies by restoring the optimum balance."
If this refers to detecting, for instance, alpha, beta or gamma waves from the brain, and carrying out treatment based on that, it could be a serious therapy. Similarly, detecting irregular heart rhythm and applying a shock (cardioversion) to revert to the correct rhythm is also standard therapy for atrial fibrillation or arrhythmia. However I had assumed, based on the language used, and particularly "Bioresonance", "energy wavelengths", "bad frequencies" and "optimum balance", that the method was what I have read around a fair bit and discussed with colleagues over several years and is not based on science (a word that just means knowledge), but belief.
Belief has a very strong effect on us, because our mind and body are a whole - we "think" and "feel" with parts of our body, perhaps all of it, not just out brain, and in the other direction our brain can flood the body with hormones and completely change its balance - as well as more obvious things like determine where we go, what we eat, how much exercise we have, who our friends are and when we sleep.
Usually the effect of our brain on our body will not be enough to overcome cancer, for instance (unless you include deciding to go to a surgeon?), but can and does have a huge effect (for good or bad) on our healing process, immune system and well-being, in the short term as well as in the long term.
I agree with what Malcolm said. The phrases used in the definition of bioresonance are unprecise (for eg, bad frequencies, what is considered bad frequencies?)
Hope this helps
In physics resonance or coupling-phase is a condition under which an oscillating system responds to an alternative driving force with the maximum amplitude. Such condition may exist when the frequency of the driving force matches the natural (non-damped) oscillatory frequency of the system. Thus, in case of an imposed oscillating electromagnetic field, a biological system (e.g., a cell) will respond in a measurable manner only to those exogenous oscillations (i.e. alternative driving force) that match the natural (endogenous) EM oscillations of such system.
Every object or phenomenon of the quantum dimension is assimilable to a vibrational system (describable via a mathematical tool known as wave function), that vibrates with a certain frequential configuration, a certain oscillatory or phase modality (rhythm of oscillation) and a certain intensity, maintaining an uninterrupted local and non-local relationship of interference with other vibrational systems.
The phenomena of interference between the oscillatory modalities of the energy flows and impulse involved in the perturbation/excitation of the quantum field give rise to coupling-phase (oscillatory resonance) able to trigger the phase transitions that lead, according to QED (Quantum Electrodynamic Field Theory), to the structuring of matter (domains of oscillatory coherence vs domains of oscillatory incoherence). In particular, each localized (in space and/or in time) form of confinement ( energetic, massive, subatomic, atomic, supra-atomic, biological, cosmological), i.e. delimited by a boundary, is a (tenso)vibrational micro-environment and corresponds to an oscillator or a resonant cavity (cavity resonator), a stationary system organized around a particular tensorial/frequential configuration of perturbations (tensions/oscillations), existing thanks to the relationships of interference it has with the endogenous and exogenous (tenso)vibrational environment (in this sense the terrestrial environment is to all effects a vibrational environment and every biological structure/system corresponds to an oscillator/resonant cavity tuned on the particular tenso-vibrational configuration of the environment to which it belongs).
Any living system from a whole organism down to a single cell or an organelle contains charged particles (ions) or polar molecules and functional radicals of molecules. A flux of such charged particles within a living system owing to the diffusion of ions or conformational changes of polar molecules causes extremely low intensity endogenous (i.e. generated by the living system itself) oscillating Electro-Magnetic (EM) fields. Thus, living systems are known to emit (endogenous) electromagnetic oscillations. The individual spectrum of such endogenous oscillations is rather complex because of superposition of oscillations from different sources within an organism. The broad spectrum of frequencies of the endogenous EM oscillations represents the broad spectrum of sources of such oscillations within an organism. Basically, two regions of the whole spectrum of EM oscillations of biological systems may be specified: the region of extremely low frequencies (corresponding to the infrared light), and the region of high frequencies (corresponding to the ultraviolet light). The high-frequency end of the spectrum of endogenous EM oscillations corresponds to the emission of so called biophotons.
The notion of biophotons has been coined out by the Marburg group formed around Fritz-Albert Popp: biophotons are single quanta being continuously emitted by all living systems. They are a subject of quantum physics and display a universal phenomenon attributed to all living systems. According to Popp, intra- and intercellular communication occurs through the mutual absorption and emission of biophotons. Life processes and light are inseparable and internally connected due to their electromagnetic nature. Light plays a significant energetic and regulatory role in living organisms and in the entire ecosystem, for instance in photosynthesis, in the process of seeing, in biological rhythms, etc. Changes in the intensity of photon emission are functionally connected with disturbances of homeostasis and their measurements specify the state of organism's vitality and the capacity for environmental adaptation. The electromagnetic interface and photon exchange is at the basis of all biological processes and it is thanks to it that a biological system, from the less to the most complex, interacts with the environment. In this sense, the electromagnetic interface is, at the micro-, meso- and macroscopic level, the fundamental sensory module of any biological system. A neurological organism, then, interface with the environment not only via receptor system, but also via the whole organism conversion to electromagnetic energy.
Couplings and phase transitions are at the core of this dynamic.
Coupling, i.e. resonance, is a condition under which an oscillating system responds to an alternative driving force with the maximum amplitude. Such condition may exist when the frequency of the driving force matches the natural (non-damped) oscillatory frequency of the system. Thus, in case of an imposed oscillating electromagnetic field, a biological system (e.g. a cell) will respond in a measurable manner only to those exogenous oscillations (i.e. alternative driving force) that match the natural (endogenous) EM oscillations of such system. The results of the effects of the endogenous electromagnetic fields of biological systems on the inherent coherency of life-supporting processes in individual cells, cell populations, and living organisms, suggest that natural integrity is supported mostly by non-linear interactions and couplings between environmental and endogenous extremely-low-intensity electromagnetic oscillations.
Matter can present itself in nature in several different states or phases, e.g. gas, liquid and solid at meso- and macroscopic level, which are responding to thermodynamic laws, and plasmas, lattices, the Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC) for a bosonic gas [Ref.: Amoroso, R.L. (1996) The Production of Fröhlich and Bose-Einstein Coherent States In Vitro Paracrystaline Oligomers Using Phase Control Laser Interferometry, Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics, 41(1), 39-42 ], the Condensate of Bardeen Cooper Schrieffer (BCS) for a fermionic gas, Fröhlich condensates for proteins and nucleic acids [Ref.: Reimers J. R., et Al. (2009) Weak, strong, and coherent regimes of Fröhlich condensation and their applications to terahertz medicine and quantum consciousness, PNAS, 106(11), 4219-4224 ] [Ref.: Preto, J. (2012) Semi-classical statistical approach to Fröhlich condensation theory, arXiv:1203.2006 []], solitonic waves (solitons) [Ref.: Mesquita, M.V., Vasconcellos, A. R., Luzzi, R. (2004) Considerations on Undistorted-Progressive X-Waves and Davydov Solitons, Fröhlich -Bose-Einstein Condensation, and Cherenkov-like effect, Biosystems Brazilian Journal of Physics, 34(2A), 489-503], quantum spin liquids (an entangled soup caused by quantum fluctuations, made of quasi-particles known as Majorana fermions, in a high correlated spin liquid state, namely a soup of spin-wave packets reached via spin-orbit and magnetic moment coupling) [Ref.: Banerjee, A., et Al. (2015) Proximate Kitaev Quantum Spin Liquid Behaviour in α-RuCl3, Nature Materials, (2016), 15, 733—740 ] [Ref.: Wessels, P., et Al. (2016) Direct observation of isolated Damon-Eshbach and backward volume spin-wave packets in ferromagnetic microstripes, Scientific Reports, 6, ]
at microscopic level, just to mention a few, which responds to electrodynamic laws. Each state or phase of
Matter can be qualified according to its internal structure or order, that is to say according to its correlative structure (e.g. gas is less correlated than liquid which in turn is less correlated than solid state), and the connection between one phase and the other may take place through phase transitions (phase transitions from one state to another changes the correlative state of a system but may not change its nature, as is the case of water, which is always water in both the liquid, solid and gaseous state). Phase is the parameter that qualifies the dynamics of a phenomenon in relation to its temporal course and in relation to its oscillatory properties, where at each phase or state corresponds a different energy level, a different vibrational configuration and a different interferential register. The transition of an electron from one resonant orbit to another in an atom, as well as the transition from the state of inanimate matter to the state of living matter (biological) [Ref.: Poccia, N. et Al. (2009) A Possible Mechanism for Evading Temperature Quantum Decoherence in Living Matter by Feshbach Resonance. Int. J. Mol. Sci., 10, 2084-2106. ]. Circadian and circannual cycles (the alternation of day and night, seasonal alternation), but also the transformations that accompany physiological processes, rather than the transformation of a physiological process into a pathological process, are marked by phase transitions. When the trajectory described by the becoming of a dynamic system is going to be deflected by a phase transition, for a certain period of time the system is to be in a state at the phase boundary, a bifurcation point beyond which the system changes, partially or totally, in a reversible or irreversible way, its formal and/or vibrational identity.
Under this scheme, any elementary constituent of a system it can act one way or another depending on the correlative system it comes to be part of. Accordingly, are the correlative properties of the system that determine its behavior, and not the properties of its elementary constituent taken individually and summed up.
Furthermore, let me quote Maturana:
The complexities that we observe in the behavior of an organism at any moment, and that we usually describe in terms of content and meaning, are contextual features of the particular historical circumstances that configurate the behavior and not the operation of the nervous system. The complexities of behavior and the complexities of the neurophysiological processes that generate it are of different kinds and take place in nonintersecting phenomenal domains, therefore they must be understood differently, each according to the syntax or coherence of the phenomenal domain in which it takes place, and regardless of the generative relation that we may see between them. To attain this understanding one must accept that through different features of its structure a system may exist in many nonintersecting phenomenal domains simultaneously. Indeed, scientific explanations by being nonreductionist validate the simultaneous existence of every structure-determined system in many nonintersecting phenomenal domains, and allow us to understand how we as human beings pertain operationally to many equally legitimate nonintersecting domains of existence. Finally, if we accept that living systems as structure-determined systems can only exist in structural correspondence with a medium, then we must also accept that an observer will see that the dynamics of the states of a nervous system gives rise in an organism to a behavior adequate to the complexities of its circumstances only as a result of the dynamic structural correspondence that exists between it and the medium in the presence of the phylogenic and ontogenic history of conservation of dynamic structural correspondence between organism and medium to which it belongs in the domain in which it is distinguished (see Maturana, 1980). In these circumstances, any relation between a state of activity in a nervous system and what an observer sees as a feature of the environment of the organism to which it belongs, can be a relation of representation of the environment in the operation of such nervous system only in the description of the observer and for the observer, not in the operation or for the operation of the nervous system itself. Also in these circumstances, any lesion in a nervous system will necessarily interfere with some of its internal coherences, and will appear to an observer as altering some of the patterns of effector/sensor correlations of the organism in the domain of existence in which it is observed. At the same time, this change in the effector/sensor correlations of the organism will necessarily appear to an observer as a changed behavior that he or she can always view as deficient in some of its usual features of content and meaning. Since all systems involved, organism, nervous system and medium, are structure determined systems, similar lesions in similar nervous systems will necessarily result in similar behavioral changes in similar organisms under similar circumstances, which is what one finds, anyway. It is this regularity what seduces us to believe that the behavioral consequences of a lesion in a nervous system reveal that the part of the nervous system that the lesion destroyed had been directly responsible of the content and meaning of the behaviour lost through it. To accept that this is not the case, to accept that constitutively there is no mapping possible between the syntax of the operation of the nervous system and the syntax of the content and meaning of the behaviour that it generates, is not easy, it requires a conceptual jump. It requires the acceptance that mental phenomena as phenomena of meaning, intention, language or self-consciousness, and physiological phenomena as phenomena of molecular, cellular or hormonal relations or interactions, take place in nonintersecting phenomenal domains, each defined by its own coherences or syntax, and that in general all living systems, and we human beings in particular, exist in each of them in different but legitimate manners. The mind is not in the head, the mind is in the behaviour. [Credit: Maturana, H. R. (1985) Comment by Humberto R. Maturana: The mind is not in the head. Journal of Social and Biological Structures, 8(4), 308–311 ]
It does not seem to me that at the current state of our knowledge, great benefits can be expected from bioresonance As a "non-invasive therapy which involves placing electrodes on your skin for diagnosis and treatment. The electrodes are connected to a Bicom machine which checks the energy wavelengths coming from your body, and then counteracts bad frequencies by restoring the optimum balance".
But this is not the only road that can be traveled (see e.g.: "Ikar" Science and research center GRNT -Global Resonance Nonlinear Technologies - (analytical note) New breakthrough high performance technology based on fundamental scientific approach.
Chapter "Ikar" Science and research center GRNT -Global Resonance No...
But yes I do care about the role resonance phenomena occupy in biological processes.
Please do not judge a system by the words used by who explains it.
I am a man of research. I have done research and administered research institution since over 50 years ago. My field is Chemical engineering and material sciences but out of curiosity, during the past 40 years, I have been studying alternative medicine. Yes, more than half of it is fake. But the other half is either rue or has truth in it. I have developed and even patented some equipment based on alternative medicine. I shall not comment on fake ones but I have scientifically tested and proven the positive effects of following.
1. Acupuncture is definitely a science and in good hands it offers a very good cure. I have even tried it on stuttering and it worked. Strangely enough, it is much more effective if the patient doesn’t know that he is being treated for stuttering. This rules out the possibility of placebo effect.
2. Indian Ayurveda is also a science but it is not a method, it is a complicated system. I have seen “rheumatoid arthritis” being completely cured and I have seen patients get over common cold in one day with ayurvedic medicines.
3. Magneto therapy is effective in a narrow field of events. The theory indicates that it diminishes the size of cancer tumors. But I don’t expect it to be a cure. Non the less it shall help other types of treatment. On the other hand, it completely cures ulcer and acid reflux. Recently I got evidence that it cures incontinence but I won’t bet on it.
4. Aromatherapy is not a cure but helps in easing the symptoms.
5. I am still skeptical about Homeopathy. I can’t speak for or against it.
6. Coming to Bioresonance; it is not just one operation, it is a whole system. It started with works oh Hulda Regher Clark and Royal Rife and extends to highly accurate computer controlled equipment built by the Eastern World (Including Russia and Ukraine). I have bought, built and tested quite a number of such equipment.
The early ones are based on Rife frequencies which a few of which can easily be off and inactive but they have a positive effect on cure.
The second generation equipment does diagnosis by listening to very weak electrical signature frequencies of the pathogens in one’s body. By externally giving the same frequency, they put the pathogens into resonance and kill them.
Third generation equipment detect the frequency pulse originating from a newly born cell, just as it passes from chemical to live being. Every minute, about 40,000,000 cells die in our body and they are replaced by new cells. The fore, rate of cell birth of an organ is equal to the number of cells being born. Using this data and a very sophisticated software, they can tell a lot about your body.
The latest system is Nonlinear Bioresonance scanning. This method detects the extremely long wavelength radiation emerging from the nuclei of body cells. Analysis of these radiations tells a great deal about our body.
I have tried all of these. They are all effective to a point but this point is way up. I did not finish my research on how nonlinear Bioresonance does the cure but I know it’s diagnosis is at least 95% correct. (Modern medicine is at around 80%) and it does cure many things including cancer.
I can write a book on this subject but I will stop here. If you wish, you can write to me at
I am writing fo thje parent of high copper in blood.
In humans, copper deficiency is more common than copper excess in blood. If your son is dragonized to have excess copper in blood, first get it checked by classical blood test. Alternative medical instruments can sometimes be fooled by other disorders.
If he has high copper in blood, it can be due to three reasons:
1. He may be getting excessive copper from a side source such as contaminated drinking water, natural water containing copper or copper sulfate (Blue Vitriol) used in agriculture against fungi.
2. His body, especially liver is having difficulty in getting rid of copper. This is usually a treatable condition
3. He may have Wilson’s disease which is hereditary and very rare.
But in any case, if he has high copper levels in blood, you don’t get a single symptom. Maya Clinic lists the symptoms as:
· Fatigue, lack of appetite or abdominal pain
· A yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eye (jaundice)
· Golden-brown eye discoloration (Kayser-Fleischer rings)
· Fluid buildup in the legs or abdomen
· Problems with speech, swallowing or physical coordination
· Uncontrolled movements or muscle stiffness
As you shall notice, the list does not include lessening of mental facilities but mainly physical disorders.
On the other hand, a high copper level in blood is a serious condition which is treatable by classic methods but it can be lethal if not treated.
As a result:
1. Get the child’s blood copper tested by classical medical methods. If it is high, seek normal medical advice to treat it. In this case there are some alternative methods to help but they should be used as supplement, not the main treatment.
2. If the copper level is normal, it means that the there is a problem in the wiring of child’s brain and then alternative methods are indicated. For this I can recommend two methods:
· Nonlinear body scanning with an instrument such as “Hunter 4025”. At the beginning, I was very sceptic about this instrument but I was amazed by its results. It scans and treats.
· Acupuncture by a real expert. Not any doctor who says he is doing acupuncture.
Indian Ayurveda may be added to this list but I only recommend a real expert in India. Of course, you may get an opinion in your country before such a trip. Most Ayurveda doctors in the West try to balance the Doshas and expect the body to heal itself but Indian doctors go specifically to the cause.
If you wish to contact me, send me an e-mail, I shall send you my main e-mail address.
Best wishes,
Are you working on bio resonance phenomenon? Amirkabir has a lab for this work.
What do you think about using the bioresonance scan only as a tool for study? Not using it to therapy but only for collecting the data (about the energy wavelenght of tissues and cells), which will be used in further study abd combined with other data?
By "Bioresonance", I expect Halina Buis means Non Linear scanning techniques. Because bioresonance covers a much wider area. In that context, Helena is right. In fact, in may Eastern European countries, a patient is first scanned by NLS and or Quantum health scanner which is much faster and very informative, and based on these initial findings, they are sent to relevant departments.
I would like to remind my distinguished colleagues that ResearchGate is about scientific research based on the scientific method. Therefore, I believe that RG is not a good place to discuss usefulness of pseudoscientific devices like "Quantum health scanner". Apparently, the use of similar devices has been banned in the US.
Bioresonans, in a broad sense is a well known ( scientifically) set of evidences, when influence of some factors ( usually electromagnetic nature) on living systems (from biomolecule to complex organisms and communities) have clearly resonance nature. For example: exposure on some frequencies give a 2 or even a ten fold gain in effects ( positive or negative).
I don't know any complete theory on bioresonance, it is clearly far more complex than scientific method for now could deal with ( i mean scientific, biophysical, attempts).
There are pickings from scientific work which is represented in different devices, which can diagnose or heal one or the other way. I know such device developers from Russia, Ukraine, China, Germany. Because there is no clear theory, and method understanding ( mostly due to it's complexity) there are some cheats and misunderstandings ( it is not unusuall for any market, and healthcare area).
Quantum Health Scanner is a scientifically tested and approved instrument. It nis based on the following principle.
In our body, on the average, 40,000,000 cells die each minute and are replaced by new cells. Every cell emits a unique electrical impulse as they pass from matter to living being state. Or we can say as they start to become functional. QHS, detects these impulses and counts the number of cells which are born thus which are dead in each tissue. From thereon, a very sophisticated Russian software takes over and correlates this data to assess the state of each organ and tissue.
I am sure that everyone shall consider this to be a scientific approach.
I have personally made tests and compared them with the results of test made by conventional methods. Agreement was perfect. It is a simple to use, fast and cheap instrument made by many companies. Every doctor should pass their patients through this test before they go any further.
Can Apak just commented that "In our body, on the average, 40,000,000 cells die each minute and are replaced by new cells. Every cell emits a unique electrical impulse as they pass from matter to living being state. Or we can say as they start to become functional."
I would like to see ANY published research that explains this effect, or even websites that attempt to elucidate this mechanism. Can anyone provide this?
I also just found this page on Quora, which discusses "Quantum Magnetic Resonance Analyzer". Can Apak, is this the same class of device you are referring to?
Omar Zaid states: "The phenomenon is real. What remains is agreement on terms and methods, including insturments." Can you provide some papers and references? How can something be 'real' if the science is not documented?
I assume you use these devices. Which ones have you had the most success with? After getting diagnostic information from such a device, do you then find correlation with conventional medical laboratory results? Is that always the case? Etc.
Dear Mr. Croft,
Yes, it is what some companies call "Quantum Magnetic Resonance Analyzer " but it has nothing to do with magnetic resonance. It must be a sales gimmick. In the market, there are many different types, even those with added TENS unit. Many of them are fake. A true one must cost over $100.
Regarding the literature on it, the invention is Russian and it was a part of the studies on space program. So, the main articles are still very difficult to find. Search for it in Russian. I have seen a few.
Today, they are manufactured by the Chinese and they don't publish their trade secrets. On the other hand, we have made a short research with a Professor friend of mine working in a University Hospital. We found over 95% match with classical test results. The university rate their accuracy at 98%.
I recommend you to buy one and try it yourself. It is cheap. The units they use are different but the trend is definitely same.
I don't agree with Piasecki at all. If you try to fool these instruments, you must know how to interpret the results. This instrument scans your data and makes calculation which are based on the differences of these readings form set points. If you feed in nonsense, it will still calculate the differences and evaluate them as it is programmed. The results will be rubbish because the input is rubbish.
An acceptable way to test is to check the results against test results of classical medical analyses. I have done it and agreement is very good.
In the fields of bioenergetics, bioresonance, electromagnetism and living systems we have still big missing parts and we don't know if we are using correctly the available technology of today. So we have to work still with a lot of empirism, and our actual scientific rules need new concepts, if we really want to understand the function and disfunction of living systems. I believe that in biology biochemistry is not enough to understand for example the rules of development from the single embrionic cell to the entire organism, where we cannot ignore the concept of morphogenetics forces or fields.
About the questions of good and bad frequencies one should read the pubblications of Hans G. H. Geesink
But this is only the tip of the icebirg we have to explore. I think that we should keep in mind that we are only at the beginning in understanding function of living systems.
From IT background in Pharma sector, from 2008 I have started to study biophysics, and all main devices in the world, coming from Russia and Germany. This to try to solve some my illnesses that actual medicine, only based on biochemistry, wanted to solve with Surgery (colectomy and 3 surgeries at my vertebral column). Also in 2017, after an accident, one my knee had neuroalgodystrophy, and I passed 1 year on wheel chair.
I was forced to take opioids for pain each day, so my bowel had ricurrent diverticulitis.
Now I manage pain with an external neuromodulator with microcurrents, I solved my neuroalgodystrophy with PEMF.
But wave medicine (in my opinion the right name is wave medicine, and not quantum medicine or EM one, because we have mechanisms both at quantum levels than classical levels) must still arise in all its aspects.
I know very well, I tested from years also diagnostics devices, like HRV device (Heart Rate Variability) than a Russian device named METATRON. METATRON revealed an accuracy of results very high, and all doctors that has bought them, are very satisfied. Also some scientists of CNR (Council National of Research) are interested to deep this device.
About HRV, it is incredible that Russian scientists (that I think more advanced about electromagnetism) are able to extract from a cardiac impulse, more informations about body, I will attach it an example of reports.
About METATRON, non linear diagnostic device, following it is a video from son of inventor.
We do not have clear how it is run, but I can assure you that this device is not fake.
Obviously on the market there are also devices fake or not accurate.
There is a big need to make trials and research projs about these technologies and mechanisms inside them.
This is my research, helped from other scientists and doctors.
In 2017 I was selected from Zambon ZCube for a proj, together with a russian scientist, specialized in EHF (extremely high frequency) waves, to create a device for autoimmune diseases, because these waves, discoveried from russians, have prooved to can modulate immune system.
There is a long way in front of us, to separate fake concepts, fake devices, from real science.
Russian Scientists have prooved in lab that EHF waves plus diclofenac on rat edema, improve effects of drugs with much less quantity (so less adverse effects). This is another possible future use of EMF, together with chemistry.
Sorry for my poor english :)
Adding also an article written by a researcher of Neurological Mondino Institute about our work of HealthQE Consortium.
Also he agrees about need of deep and trial these technologies.
He does not cite many other researches done in last time, it is sure that this is one of most promising field for future medicine.
Lastly, the concept of "phase-amplitude coupling" is very interesting, because it seems be correlated to various illnesses (a certain anomaly in standard values of phase-amplitude = a certain pathology).
In Pubmed there are already some examples of this concept.
HRV device are generally well proven devices, with a lot of scientific pubblications, mainly from western countries, although not so widely used as it should be.
My personal experience with devices and clones of the family Metatron, although interesting and often probably effective, give much less reproducible results, even if repeated shortly after. And any schientific information, also for health professionals, is very scanty and this limits largly any clinical application. So far as I know, nobody ever tried any acceptable validation, neither from a functional nor from a anatomical point of view. This does not mean that the underlying technology is without value, but at this time poorly applicable in Medicine.
I agree with you, infact our Consortium has intention to start an official trial in Italy, and a test in some lab to verify measures.
The field of integrative medicine that always welcome constantly traditional or new methods of prevention , screening , diagnosis , treatment , and follow up makes a real move towards a comprehensive, evidence based practice. Thus eliminating the word ‘alternative’ and enforcing ‘integrative’ brining all experts together for the best outcome.
I don’t see it necessary to make a separation such as classical medicine and alternative medicine. Take medicine as a whole. For diagnosis, we use tools such as radiography, biochemistry and similar. For me, Non Linear Scanning is similarly a method of diagnosis. Also we use radio therapy, chemotherapy, allelopathy and other means of treatment. To this list, add acupuncture, vibrational therapy, bioresonance, homeopathy and all the other methods that are proven to work and that are classed under alternative methods. They are not alternative to anything. They are other branches of medicine most of which are new to the Western World.
That’s why integrative is comprehensive and alternative is misleading
First of all, bioresonance is not integrative. It aims at a certain problem. The word integrative can be used for methods such as Indian Ayurveda and classical acupuncture. These don't care for a specific case. They put the energy levels in the body to a balanced level and let the body heal itself.
The word comprehensive is another way of saying integrative. I don't see much difference between the two.
Alternative is a label that I don't accept. The Chinese use the classical medicine, acupuncture and phytotherapy all together. For them it is medicine. I suspect, it is a term created by the big pharma. Big pharma's aim is to keep a patient ill, as long as possible, without killing him. This way they sell more medicine. They try to give the impression that that classical medicine which is under they control is the real thing and all the other medical systems are an inferior alternative to the real thing.
Yes, I can verify Bio-resonance holds significant potential to disrupt several billion-dollar industries and markets including: mobile smartphones, human spaceflight, healthcare, biotechnology, biomedical acupuncture, at-home therapy, medicine, and countless others.
Every cell and organ in the body has its own predetermined oscillation or vibrational frequency. Injury, diet, stress, and emotion disrupts the oscillations and results in a disruption of that biological function. The health of an organ, tissue, system, and cell structure can be identified by transmitting microcurrent frequencies through the body and measuring the current resistance.
Over the past 20 years, Biophysicists in Germany and Russia at the Russian-born AO Scan LLC have isolated, identified, and cataloged more than 120,000 of these vibrational frequencies. The three main techniques employed are Bio-Resonance Recognition, Bio-Resonance Comparison, and Sympathetic Vibratory Physics.
Specific frequencies for biology is scanned and introduced to the brain;
The brain then responds with what that item is actually resonating at;
The introduced frequencies are then compared to the actual frequencies and correlated with numbers 1-10.
Almost all biological stressors, symptoms, diseases, and medical conditions are imprinted in the biosignatures of the human voice and quite possibly most other species on Earth and in the Universe. The vitals report provides comprehensive diagnostics for any human to observe the traces and deficiencies of blood-lipids, CBC, amino acids, fatty acids (Omega-3's and Omega-6s), parasites, fungus, bacterial diseases, inflammation, insulin resistance, digestive enzymes, microminerals, heavy metal toxicity levels, vitamins, bone mineral density/disease/growth, brain nerves, cardiovascular/cerebrovascular, collagen indexes, hormones, immune system, organ function, molds, allergins, intolerances to food, human toxins, and viruses. In addition, we can identify the subsystem functionality of close to all organs in the human body and likely of other species as well.
I am highly interested in developing the research to apply bio-resonance to develop most organic matter and other species on Earth and to see the significance it will have in the design and engineering of spacecraft, rockets, and settlements on celestial bodies.
I don't agree that Bio-resonance holds significant potential to disrupt several billion-dollar industries and markets including: mobile smartphones, human spaceflight, healthcare, biotechnology, biomedical acupuncture, at-home therapy, medicine, and countless others. On contrary, it is already adding more potential to these fields. But I think that it shall disrupt the multi billion Dollar pharmaceutical industry.
Communication between cells in the body depends on many factors, including intercellular signals through intercellular junctions, paracrine signaling, juxtacrine signaling, and one of the cases in which intercellular interactions are involved is the electromagnetic field. The disease can disrupt interactions between cells. One is an interesting subject to consider, and I do not know whether the amount of electromagnetic field in cells or tissues or organs can be measured or are so weak that it is not possible to measure. I am very interested in studying this subject and the spatial arrangement of cells and its relationship with electromagnetic fields in different cells and tissues?
Dear Narges
First of all, I must remind you that I am not a medical doctor. I am a Dr. of Chemical Engineering and materials technology. So, don’t take my comments as medical advices. Follow your doctors’ advice.
As opposed to common belief, Bioresonance is not just one single field. If anything in the body goes into resonance with an externally applied frequency, this is bioresonance. By this definition, breaking kidney stones with sound waves must be BR. Of course, this is not what we are actually interested in. But, if you look up the instrument, “Vitafon”, it is BR.
Father of bioresonance is Royal R. Rife. At the beginning of 20th century he discovered that pathogens could be killed by sending them electric pulses having a frequency equaling the natural frequency of these pathogens. He also deduced that the organs can be excited by the same method.
Based on this principle, Hulda Clark developed a simple instrument which produces electric signals to resonate with parasites to kill them.
The most effective one on viruses and bacteria is a magnetic bed, giving off Rife frequencies. It kills the pathogens without harming the body. There are many different types. You can find it by the name, “Rife frequency generator”. Unfortunately, in this system, you have to know which bacterium or virus you wish to kill.
There is another similar device called ATM. It is made by Altimed located in Kiev. It determines the type of pathogen, tells you in which organ it is and kills it. It also tests for food intolerance, which is different than allergy. You may be able to digest something, say peanuts, without problem but when digestion starts, you may be allergic to byproducts of digestion. But it is very expensive. Last I looked, it was over $10,000.
These days, a much different concept is developed. It is called “Non Linear Scanning” (shortly NLS). It has sensors which are sensitive to energy field surrounding all living matter. Every tissue in our body has a specific energy spectrum. Send that spectrum to the body and the tissue answers back with another spectrum. In a healthy body, the answer spectrum is same as the exciting spectrum, which is the natural spectrum of the tissue. Any diversion is a lot of information. A Russian scientist, Igor Neslov is the inventor of the NLS system. They have also made the first NLS instrument. Then, to reduce cost, they have got it made in China. But they have also made the grave mistake of giving also the software. So, the Chinese have not only copied it but they have improved it.
There is yet another system called “Quantum Analyzer”. It detects the electric impulses that are generated in the body and reach the palm. Every minute, approximately 40,000,000 cells die in our body and they are replaced by new ones. At the moment of these new cells coming to life, they emit an electric impulse. The instrument can differentiate which organ that impulse is coming from. It knows the death rate of cells in each organ. From this, it gives you a long report, regarding your organs, minerals, vitamins and so on. It is a $100 instrument.
As you see, all of these are bioresonance. So, if you can tell me in which of these systems you are interested in, I can send you more information.
All the best,
I've used several times, and got different results. Based on my personal experience, this system or science has a long way to be commercialized, and the current available technologies are not accurate enough.