Self-efficacy assess self-confidence in doing something whereas self-management assess individual behaviors to manage the self. Refer to the following items to assess each.
If something looks too complicated, I will not even bother to try it. (R)
When I make plans, I am certain I can make them work.
When I set important goals for myself, I rarely achieve them. (R)
I avoid trying to learn new things when they look too difficult for me. (R)
If I can’t do a job the first time, I keep trying until I can.
I do not seem capable of dealing with most problems that come up in my life. (R)
When trying to learn something new, I soon give up if I am not initially successful. (R)
When I have something unpleasant to do, I stick to it until I finish it.
When unexpected problems occur, I don’t handle them very well. (R)
When I decide to do something, I go right to work on it.
I feel insecure about my ability to do things. (R)
Failure just makes me try harder.
I give up easily. (R)
I avoid facing difficulties. (R)
I give up on things before completing them. (R)
One of my problems is that I cannot get down to work when I should. (R)
I am a self-reliant person.
Source: Sherer, M., Maddux, J.E., Mercadante, B., Prentice-Dunn, S., Jacobs, B., and Rogers, R.W. (1982) The self-efficacy scale: Construction and Validation
not necessarily , the concept of self-management is more closely related to self regulation, autonomy and self leadership and it is not required of you to search for it when you target self- efficacy .
my papers on self efficacy could provide you with reflections and findings
Self-efficacy theory has been used to promote self-management in patients with various chronic diseases, such as diabetes and osteoarthritis. It has been shown that strategies to improve self-efficacy are effective in improving health behaviours (e.g. exercise practice), physical and psychological health status and health care utilization. Please refer to my publications shown below.
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