Hi Valeria, small leaf areas are tricky to analyze. LiCor has a whole-plant chamber that allows you to put a small pot with your arabidopsis rosette inside. And I think there is another chamber that accepts tissue culture plates (never used them). Establishing the correct leaf area can be a problem though, but can be done.
Have you considered image analysis--chlorophyll fluorescence or thermal imaging as surrogates for photosynthesis? There is a very nice collection of literature and software for this at this site: http://www.plant-image-analysis.org
small leaves are suitable for quenching anaiysis and electron transport flux that is a correlate of photosynthesis. Imaging PAM of Walz has been applied to specific selections on trays. Infrared therometric pictures can be applied under circumstances that allow uniform ventilation and it is a proxy for leaf energy balance, like more or less stomatal conduction under the same light.
Licor extended reach chamber is 1 cm diameter. You may try to estimate the actual leaf surface inside this chamber or even the standard 2 cm2 by analyzing a picture of the leaf inside chamber (tedious job).
ADC Bioscientific Ltd. ofers as option an Arabidopsis/Small Leaf Chamber to their model LCpro-SD. It has flexible arm that allows you to easily position the chamber onto the leaf. The Small leaf chamber window diameter is 16.5mm.