I can relate. But you might like IF because the flip side of the method is 'intermittent gluttony'! To maintain your caloric quota on fasting days you need to eat more on other days. So you get your feasting reward for every time you use your resolve to fast.
An excuse for gluttony? I've got to look into this! My previous exposure to fasting friends and relatives has always been with the religiously motivated. However, I am going to take a second look if I can feel 'righteous' in my gluttony because I have fasted for a few days.
Tore, have you found it is best to restrict your fasting days to weekdays or weekends? Have you on occasion treated yourself to a spa visit or a picturesque retreat and fasted in connection with 'cleansing your soul'? If you have tried different settings and motivations, which have been most successful?
Please tell me it was in connection with an expensive spa trip. I'm fairly confident that I can convince my husband to foot the bill for a luxurious spa treatment if he thinks that I will come back a few pounds slimmer and a lot mellower.
There is nothing especially religious in my use of IF, except perhaps my belief in science! I don't follow this for 'cleansing' unless you consider general all-around health improvement, and possibly improved longevity cleansing. But I wouldn't exclude combining this with a spa visit by any means! I am definitely pro-massage. Its just not my typical routine. I've been doing IF for almost 6 years now so its just part of everyday life.