I’m looking for a camera trap that can be set out in the field to function as a camera trap but can simultaneously be programmed to take a video with audio for a set time each day. Does anyone know of a camera trap that has this capability?
I used wild life cameras to take photos from different plots simultaneously in one hour interval for a set time each day and it worked perfectly. You may want to try this: https://www.amazon.com/Hunting-120%C2%B0Wide-Angle-Waterproof-Wildlife-Monitoring/dp/B08DJ5WKVQ/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=1LT7CCL65EL46&keywords=wildlife+camera&qid=1645742956&sprefix=wildlife+%2Caps%2C77&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEyT0ZaWFU5UUVZRlAzJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwOTE4NzIxM09ISUdLRTlMMUNBSCZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwNzA2MjI4MVJNM1JMWDE5OTJFVSZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=
1080P 16MP Trail Camera, Hunting Camera with 120°Wide-Angle Motion Latest Sensor View 0.2s Trigger Time Trail Game Camera with 940nm No Glow and IP66 Waterproof 2.4” LCD 48pcs for Wildlife Monitoring
If you're asking for a camera will detect animals that come by and take video of them as well as taking videos on a set schedule (called time lapse mode for some brands), I haven't come across that. With my cameras (Browning and Bushnell) you can do one or the other, but not both.
If you find something that looks good I would recommend buying one of them and trying it out for a bit in the field before spending a lot of money buying a lot of cameras. Take a look at the users manual online before buying anything so that you really understand what it can and can't do.
This is possible with many cameratraps. For example Bushnell trophy cams have a 'field scan' setting which will allow you to set the cam on a schedule, while still allowing you to take images triggered by animal movement.
If you may check the trap cam' in the google & youtube your desire camera traps (manual instructions for how to handle the equipment) you will gain ample knowledge about it. Anyway, depending on the quality you may purchase/have trap cam' (depends from medium to military grade & specifications along with prices).
Helpful tips for wild trap cams':
1). A set(s) of trap cams'. For example in our case,we used the Cuddeback model which is quite good.
2). A dry cell (duracell because longer duration life of dry cell is the key factor other don't last even few hours exhausted very fast) & Cuddeback model used required 8 pieces of dry cells for 1 trap cam'(Strong advice: Get rechargeable equipment along with it, to prevent from buying more costly dry cells as once drained/used its obsolete).
3). Memory chip either 16 or 64 GB inserted in trap cam' (larger the memory better the advantages).
4). Get familiarise manually (always helpful from the manual booklet & depending on the manufacturer manuals are always different) our case, the model we used were in such orders 👉 Setting clock & fix the durations when to capture images or motions (in seconds), alarm (sensor in red beep when detector flashes for still mode (fixed duration mode) & when 'subject interest' is beyond maximum duration (>15 sec) within radius of capture area then the still automatically shifted to motion/video mode).
5). Finally the most important factor is the desirable expected outcomes (for any researcher/individual) setting it at the right height & angle where to set/lay trap cams' (here the individual should've prior knowledge of the vegetation or surroundings prior to setting trap cams' else its disappointing & frustrating when dry cell are exhausted but didn't capture any at all). Hopefully these tips help!