B is an incidence matrix, thus each column should have +1 and -1. If vector e is not constrained, we can easily get the null space of B. Vector e is constrained to have certain similar values. For instance, e1 = e4 = e5, e2=e3, e6=e7 and so on. I don't like trivia solutions that ei =0 for all i because I can compute the solution algebraically. What I am not sure is the linear algebra solution.
You should add rows to your matrix B and solve it as "unconstrained" system of homogeneous linear equations. In your example you should add rows r1, r2, r3, r4 and so on, where
Thanks a lot Peter and Lucy. This is probably new for me that we can remove constraint by adding zeros rows. All I know was adding zeros row does not actually change the rank of a matrix. Any books can you suggest for me to learn further on this type of problems?
@Lucy, Peter: I have read the two books you mentioned and could not find any topic regarding adding +1/-1 rows could transform constrained equation into unconstrained equation.
Do you have any other clue or perhaps example how do you transform constrained equation into unconstrained equation by adding +1/-1 rows?
Ok, now I get it. It is not just +1/-1 rows as I misunderstood. Thanks a lot Lucy.
Dont worry about your last questions because I also have writen tutorial on linear algebra and wrote many online calculators on matrices as you can see on my web site http://people.revoledu.com/kardi/tutorial/LinearAlgebra/
I appreciate your excellent explanation. Thanks once again.
Adding rows to original matrix is just one of many possible ways of approaching your problem. The reason I asked all those questions:
In general (it depends on the structure of your additional constraints),
it may happen that the rank of your new matrix is less than number of variables,
still there is no integer nonzero solution!
It may happen, if, for example, your additional constraints contain irrational coefficients.
Also, the approach might not work at all if the nature of extra constraints is nonlinear.
where F is not necessarily linear operator.
In general, the restriction that you are looking for integer or 0-1 solution might need different approach: branch-and-bound, implicit enumeration, etc.
In the case of linear relations, and for B square (B can be a singular matrix). If you are interested in a graphical procedure to get an analytical solution to Be = 0, there is a result that you can apply using a bond graph in derivative causality assignment:
Gilberto Gonzalez, Rene Galindo, "Steady state determination using bond graphs for systems with singular state matrix", Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, vol. 225 (7), pp. 887-901, 2011, Professional Engineering Publishing. DOI: 10.1177/2041304110394552, http://pii.sagepub.com/content/early/2011/08/25/2041304110394552.abstract