I'm working on a methodical review on assessment of hypoglycemia (un)awareness in diabetic patients. Many publications refer on the so called "Gold score" [Gold et al. Diabetes Care 1994; 17(7):697-703]. In her original publication Ann Gold describes the criteria resp. definition of alteration in awareness of hypoglycemia, but I cannot find anywhere the original questions resp. the used questionnaire. Can anybody send me the originally used version of the "Gold" questionnaire?

On the other hand, maybe someone can explain the "Gold Score" to me?

As I understood, Gold et al. applied three criteria for assessing hypoglycemia awareness: (i) hypoglycemia symptoms, (ii) alteration in warning symptoms, and (iii) awareness of the onset of hypoglycemia. Criterion one was assessed with the symptom checklist from Hepburn. Criterion three was assessed by using a visual analog scale. But I don't know, whether I understood correctly the assessment of the second criterion. How did the authors operationalise the alteration in warning symptoms? Was it a single item or was it part of a questionnaire?

In many publications reffering the "Gold score" only the visual analog scale was used. Is there any explanation? Or ist the "Gold score" only this one-item visual analog scale?

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