I did Some studies on uses of Pongamia pinnata as a green manure for rice. But lack of sufficient biomass is the problem for implication in farmer's field, So any cultivars give higher yield of biomass?
Yes, Pongamia pinnata (known as Karanj in India) is an important bio-fuel crop. It has tremendous potential for production of biodiesel and ethanol. Its a tree crop. Its production is possible in the road sides as avenue tree or plantation.
Dear Ratnayake, its information and production guidelines may be available, at least you may find some information in the following journal paper published from Scientific Research Pub.
Pongamia has a varied habitat distribution and can grow in a wide range of conditions. Typically it is found in coastal areas, along limestone and rock coral outcrops, along the edges of mangrove forests, tidal streams and rivers. It is hardy and can survive in temperatures from 5 to 50 °C and altitudes from 0 to 1200 m. Due to its deep roots it also has a tolerance for drought and is found in areas with rainfall from 200 to 2500 mm a year. It grows well in both full sun and partial shade and can grow in most soil types.
Pongamia pinnata is generally used as ornamental plant or for biofuel. Since it coppices well, Hence it may be tried to leaf biomass by planting it at very narrow spacing as alley crop for production of green manuring for rice or other crops. Experiments in this regards are lacking.
Thanks for you all for constructive suggestion. In Sri Lanka in want grow vigorously lime gliricidia or Leucaena leucocephala. Therefore, I think we wee more studies about Pongamia.