Hi. I'm looking to add some photographs to a publication I am doing on the Rodrigues fruit bat (Pteropus rodricensis) for the journal Mammalian Species. I need a photo of a live animal, plus a photo/illlustration of the skull-mandible (see attached file for an example). The specifications for the skull plates are fairly strict (but see image):
SKULL PLATE. Illustrations of the skull (dorsal, ventral, and lateral views) and lateral view of the mandible must be included. These either can be good quality images or line drawings. Do not include a scale bar. In the figure legend, indicate age and sex of specimen, the collection locality, full name of museum where specimen is on deposit, catalog number of specimen, and greatest length of skull or a similar measure. A statement including the origin of the photographs or name of illustrator (if other than the authors) and permission for use must be included. All views must be exactly to the same scale.
Can anyone help? Thanks.