We are studying a material of Hyalosira delicatula but we cannot find studies about its morphology except those mentioned. We would be very thankful if someone could help us. Thank you in advance.
I thank you very much your kind e-mail. I am including a summary of the history of Hyalosira delicatula Kützing that finish with the resurrection of the genus Hyalosira. I hope it was interesting for you and other colleagues.
Best regards.
The genus Hyalosira was erected by Kützing (1844). Grunow in Van Heurck (1881) transferred Hyalosira delicatula to the genus Striatella Agardh under the name Striatella delicatula (Kützing) Grunow. Subsequently, Round in Round et al., (1990) removed from Striatella several species, among them S. delicatula (Kützing) Grunow to the genus Microtabella Round as Microtabella delicatula (Kützing) Round. Navarro & Williams (1991) argued that the new genus Microtabella is illegitimate because the taxon to which it was applieddefinitely included the type of a name which ought to have been adopted under the rules. Thus, Microtabella delicatula (Kützing) Round must be placed on the resurrected genus Hyalosira as H. delicatula Kützing.Recently, Lobban & Ashworth (2014) excluyeron a Hyalosira interrupta (Ehrenberg) Navarro del género Hyalosira y restablecieron el género Microtabella Round emend. Lobban & Ashworth con M. interrupta (Ehrenberg) Round como especie tipo.