Some scholars argue that mangrove loss always occurs with fisheries production reduction, but I have not found references with field or experimental data assessing the magnitude of damage.
Here is a list of publications that may satiate your concern:
1. Hamilton, L.S., Snedaker, S.C. (Eds.), 1984. Handbook for Mangrove Area Management. UNEP and East West Center, Environment and Policy Institute, Honolulu 126 pp.
2. Hamilton, L., Dixon, J., Miller, G., 1989. Mangroves: anundervalued resource of the land and the sea. Ocean Yearbook 8, 254–288.
3. Untawale, A.G., 1986. Asia country reports: India. In: Mangroves of Asia and the Pacific: Status and Management, pp. 51–87. Technical Report of the UNDP:UNESCO Research and Training Pilot Programme on Mangrove Ecosystems in Asia and the Pacific.
4. Macintosh, D.J., 1982. Fisheries and aquaculture significance of mangrove swamps, with special reference to the IndoWest Pacific region. In: Muir, J.F., Roberts, R.J. (Eds.), Recent Advances in Aquaculture. Croom Helm, England, pp. 4–85.
5. Singh, H.R., Chong, V.C., Sasekumar, A., Lim, K.H., 1994. Value of mangroves as nursery and feeding grounds. In: Wilkinson, C.R., Suraphol, S., Chou, L.M. (Eds.), Status Reviews. Proceedings of the Third ASEAN-Australia Symposium on Living Coastal Resources, vol. 1. Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, pp. 105–122.
6. Camacho, A.S., Bagarinao, T., 1987. The impact of fish pond development on the mangrove ecosystem in the Philippines. In: Mangroves of Asia and the Pacific: Status and Management, pp. 395–405. Technical Report of the UNDP:UNESCO Research and Training Pilot Programme on Mangrove Ecosystems in Asia and the Pacific.
7. Turner, R.E., 1977. Intertidal vegetation and commercial yields of penaeid shrimp. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 106, 411–416.
8. Staples, D.J., Vance, D.J., Heales, D.S., 1985. Habitat requirements of juvenile penaeid prawns and their relationship to offshore fisheries. In: Rothlisberg, P.C., Hill, B.J., Staples, D.J. (Eds.), Second Australian National Prawn Seminar. CSIRO, Cleveland, pp. 47–54.
9. Pauly, D., Ingles, J., 1986. The relationship between shrimp yields and intertidal (mangrove) areas: a reassessment. In: IOC:FAO Workshop on Recruitment in Tropical Coastal Demersal Communities. IOC, UNESCO, Paris, pp. 227–284.
Many thanks Dola, I already knew some of them, and also a paper from Pauly, that it is mentioned on the last reference you gave me, that concludes the same that Pauly and Ingles 1986 (one of your references), but this last includes very useful data and notes. Thank you again.