I am currently working with paired patch clamp recordings between CB1+ basket cells and pyramidal cells in CA1. I use coronal slices from young adult mice (28-42 days old), cut in sucrose-based aCSF, 300 um, and then incubated in normal aCSF for 1 hour before recordings.

One problem I am experiencing is the huge variability in tonic endocannabinoid signalling at these synapses, as measured by the success rate of IPSCs following presynaptic stimulation. I use trains of 50 APs at 10 Hz as presynaptic stimulation, once per minute. Only very few pairs show the expected 70% success rate (as previously seen by Soltesz lab), while most show barely any failure. I am sure of the interneurons identity as I do all the anatomical characterizations later on.

I was wondering if anyone has experienced this before, and if there are any tips and tricks I should be aware of?

Thanks in advance!

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