I am interested in breaking weight 3 information sequences. Many people claim that S-Constraint is enough to break weight 3 information sequences.
I have deposited a metal oxide thin film of glass plate, A conductive thin film was also deposited on the glass substrate before the deposition of metal oxide film. How can I perform its CV from a...
01 February 2021 7,710 3 View
I am trying to simulate the cyclic triaxial test in Abaqus. From the definition of q (mean deviatoric stress) i.e: sqrt(3*J2) gives always a positive number. How can I get the negative values of q...
17 December 2020 6,589 1 View
I am a student of Artificial Intelligence and independent researcher. I want to work on genome data and also looking for a bioinformatics experts to collaborate . Unfortunately, I am unable to...
17 December 2020 4,912 8 View
I am trying to detect the objects in real time using HSV method with python. I have several objects with colors and shape but how to detect the particular object with same color objects. For...
10 December 2020 3,614 4 View
Hi everyone, I am currently simulating a slug flow in the 3D, 3 inches pipe geometry as prescribed in the attached research paper. I am using Ansys Fluent. The problem is, when I get results,...
05 October 2020 6,922 3 View
In many part of the world there are many unknown economists who might have contributed to economic theory but their contributions remain unknown to the world because they might be living in an...
19 April 2020 5,704 4 View
Actual earthquake motion induces inertial forces as well but quasi-static loading doesn't account for them. Any explanation please?
31 March 2020 5,704 3 View
Carrying a lab based test using MCF-7 cancer cell line and humanized Amylin requires approval from ethics? And if it does which type of ethics in specific?
23 January 2020 3,371 5 View
Hello, i had modeled a steel beam of dimensions as Length = 4000 mm, Cross section = 250 x 150 mm, E=2E+11 N/m^2, Density = 7850 kg/m^3. Boundary conditions: Left support is applied using Remote...
11 January 2020 9,945 4 View
As you can see in the figure attached, the alumina tube is a little thicker compared to cell size that is why I attached an alumina-based cap on the top of tube. I used Ceramic Bond 668 to seal it...
15 October 2019 8,373 3 View
Hiiiii everyone! I have an enquiry on statistical analysis. I was looking for many forum and it's still cannot solve my problem. I want to compare means of two groups of data but only with two...
03 March 2021 8,796 3 View
I'm targeting to deploy a mesh network and manually configure MANET routing protocols. I'm preparing scenarios, architectures, and hard devices needed to do that. Are there some step-by-step...
03 March 2021 1,931 5 View
I have dataset which shows the length of power lines. I need to classify the lines based on the line length. Is there a rule to classify the High voltage (HV) and low voltage (LV) lines based on...
03 March 2021 4,116 4 View
What's the best way to measure growth rates in House sparrow chicks from day 2 to day 10? Since, the growth curve from day 2 to 10 won't be like the "Logistic curve" it might not follow logistic...
03 March 2021 1,401 3 View
I looking for ferro calcium production process
03 March 2021 1,755 4 View
The range of forms and sizes of cavities in rock is very big. Is there a classification scheme for rock cavities regarding their size and shape?
02 March 2021 4,511 3 View
Hello all, In SPSS I am going to code 2 open-ended questions. I have already read all the answers and I made a list of the most important categories to which I can code the answers. This question...
02 March 2021 1,757 4 View
Is there a powerful system for the security of the systems distributed on IoT systems?
02 March 2021 3,858 10 View
Working on chandrayaan-2 DFSAR data, there are three datasets available: 1) Slant range image data product: The slant range complex image file. Each pixel is represented by two 4-byte floating...
02 March 2021 8,481 3 View
Which is suitable for use with Python? MySQL or SQL Server? What is your suggestion?
01 March 2021 3,422 3 View