In behavioral economy, a "risk owner" is clearly defined as a person or a decision maker.

But in financing and investment theory, the risk ownership is less clear. In a corporate setting, who owns the risk of a large project? Is it the project manager? Is it the CFO? Is it the CEO? Is it the Shareholders?

Does anyone know of literature examining risk ownership, or can you provide definitions of a "risk owner"? Alternatively a source on how the responsibility is shared among the stakeholders would be appreciated.

I.e. if a project has a reserve capital, is that then to be controlled by the "risk owner". And can you be a risk owner without access to a reserve capital?

I find myself starting to use "risk owner" in my work and publications, but I must admit it is an intuitive use and not one based on an accepted definition, and I would happily adapt to an established definition.

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