Currently, I'm using mT/mG reporter mice to check the cre activity of this Ert2 cre mice.
mT/mG mouse is supposed to autofluoresce without any additional staining or immunohistochemistry necessary. Nestin.CreERT2 is the transgenic mice that express CreERT2 under the control of the nestin promoter and enhancer. the cre will become activated by administration of tamoxifen.
After the cross breeding, my study is about neonatal brain,so the fist IP inject at P6 of pups, 0.25mg per body weight. 48h later, the second IP injection at P8, then 24h later, the P9 pups were perfused with cold 0.9% saline. After brain dissociation, brains were fixed 24h in PFA at 4, cryoprotected in 30% sucrose overnight at 4, and embedded in OCT for cryosection. 20 micrometer sections were mounted on slices directly.
the problem is I cannot see any fluorescence signal by using a traditional fluorescent microscope, even without any red fluorescence (mT, tdTomato), I'm thinking do I expose the slice in light a long time? Does this effect a lot? Is there some problems of the microscope? is it better change to confocal? Do I have some problems about the administration, such as the duration, the amount?