In some cases, in researchgate, the references of an article or a thesis does not appear in the References tab, even if I have uploaded the corresponding full-text. Is there any solution to this problem??
I have noticed the same problem. In some instances no reference listed are detected, and in other instances some of the listed references are detected by researchgate. I am of the opinion that this may be as a result of deficiencies in algorithm.
Hello Nikolaos, I have the same problem and found this explanation from Researchgate:
While citations using standard citation styles are usually extracted accurately on ResearchGate, there are some instances where they cannot be extracted – for example, for full-text PDFs that have been created from scanned hard copies. PDF as a format is not particularly standard, and therefore creating algorithms to extract this information is an ongoing process with varying levels of success. Please also note that citations that do not have complete metadata (publication date, journal, abstract) may not be included in your citation counts, as this is important information when it comes to matching citations to publications correctly. Additionally, if the citing paper is not on ResearchGate, this can also hinder our efforts to add the citation. Our citation data is regularly updated and we are working hard to improve how we extract and match citations.
Dear Niklaos, I have already solved the problem, when the references are generated by software such as the Reference Manager or the reference manager in the Microsoft, they appear formatted in a table and the Researchgate software could not see them. I changed the format of the references as normal text and it now works, please have a look:
thanks for your answer, although i can not see how this solution can be applied if the text is generated by latex-and not in microsoft word- (which is the common case in mathematics) and then converted into pdf. Do you have any idea??