We use temperature sensor in brace treatment since 2010. In my experience this device is very useful for both research and clinical decision making ! we explain its use to patients and families and they finally decide to buy it or not. They are small, cheap and easy to embed into the brace. If you have any other questions please tell me!
I have found that a reversible pelvic asymmetry cam be a cause of idiopathic scoliosis.
Correction of the pelvic asymmetry will correct the scoliosis immediately. Also see 34. DonTigny, RL: Sacroiliac 201; Dysfunction and Management: A biomechanical solution. Journal of Prolotherapy 3:644-652, 2011
In the 1980s a surgeon from Oxford University published a paper of the results of measuring scoliosis brace compliance with a temperature sensitive sensor he called an E cell. He showed that measured compliance was much lower than patient reported compliance.
More recently Dr Lori Karol, from TSRH in Dallas has advocated using a temperature sensor in scoliosis braces, not so much for detecting non compliance, but has shown that informing patients there is a sensor in the brace, at the outset, markedly increases compliance.
Based on her theory, I have started implanting a sensor in all braces. The brace company gives me a printout of the brace usage as determined by the sensor, at each patient outpatient appointment.. I have seen complete compliance, no brace wearing for 5 days explained by a body rash, and a printout pattern explained by the patient pulling the brace off in the middle of each night. The sensors are very inexpensive in relation to the total cost of the brace. I recommend their usage.