For density calculations with fototraps (Rowcliffe et al. 2008) the daily distances moved (km/24h) are needed. The best would be data from the same study area. For wild boar we have a lot of different movements. However, for many species these are not available or hard to find.
Does anybody have data for the species mentioned below? These data are quite easy to calculate from GPS (or consecutive VHF-tracking) data. Or does anybody know literature where these results can be found (I do not have an overview on all these species)
We would need data for (best Germany/central Europe ; km/24h):
roe deer Capreolus capreolus
red deer Cervus elaphus
fallow deer Dama dama
brown hare Lepus europaeus (best in forest)
pine marten Martes martes
red fox Vulpes vulpes
racoon dog Nyctereutes procyonides
badger Meles meles
The best would be data from northern Germany, but there are vew available (as we did produce most of them on our own). Thus, any data will help.