After some weeks planning new papers and the directions for upcoming researches, now we are focused on gather new empirical data in order to analyze it.
The topics we are analyzing and what we want to collect data is about Early Warning System and some biosurveillance practices carried out by general people.
In this vein, we want to achieve some documents to deepen how Early Warning Systems works, particularlly we want to know:
What is a "general" Early Warning System
Lay people, or citizenship, has operated as Early Warning System anytime in any outbreak?
In an affirmative case, how did it happen?
Where we can find information about it?
We are very interesting in some "apps" for smartphone as HealthMap or Outbreaks Near Me. How does it works?
Well, this is the kind of questions we have. You can check our blog ( in order to inquire some detailed aspects of our research.
Thank you all!