Aid is important for development and development should be good for all persons and economies involved... However development is no guarantee for peace...
Development revenue is often chanelled in dark chanells... It simply does not reach the people in need...
Definitions are available from the UN and other institutions...
I think it can't works for third world countries ... the definition of development is always controlled by developed countries with indicators that are in accordance with their country ... so developing countries, especially in Africa, will never progress as long as they are measured by indicators of development progress in western countries
Development is not only about giving economic aids to people. Development has multiple aspects. Development without peace is simply a misappropriation of public money. Until it would not be assured that people are living with full dignity and security till that time no development policy would work out.
No, aid is no guaranty for peace. Aid helps aleviate the sufference of the many, giving them the time to resume helping themselves. My grand mother words for this was that "one will never get stuffed while being fed by others". Still, aid is good, sometimes vital.
Aid may also help the development process, but the aid itself is not enough. As Hilal said above, development is complex. However, cherish and value even the smallest improvement; alway make sure that things are going in the right direction!