The World Health Charter will be presented at the Conference “Medical science and health paradigm change” (Milan 13-14-15 October 2017) which is addressed to formalize the change of Medicine and Health Paradigm in the light of the medical science progress in the basic sciences. It introduces the new definition of health : “ The choice of the best possibilities for being the best human person” already presented at WHO. (2011). WHC is aimed at creating an international scientists’ , physicians’ and science philosophers’ lobby for doing a pressure on the United Nations, WHO and governments , introducing the traditional ethical principles of Medicine against the life commerce and for the respect of human rights and the revolutionary shift toward the new Person Centered Medicine indeterminist approach to medicine, medical science and health based on the human rights on the basis of the scientific progress. The WHC will be sent to the United Nations and to Heads of State . Signature means to enter into the International Committee for the World Health Charter (ICWHC) and to receive also one important facilitation for attending the Conference. Scientists, physicians, science philosophers are welcome to the presentation of WHC and to the Conference.

If you want to receive the text for evaluating your adhesion and signing it with the registration form for entering into the ICWHC you have to write to the WHC international secretariat : [email protected]

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