09 September 2013 3 7K Report

"In the postmodern world, it seems that history no longer provides identity or autonomy but is another commodity served up in television reruns, nostalgia, and endless repetition, so that instead of improving upon the work of the previous generation, each new generation merely repeats it with only a slight variation." -A Postmodern Language in Art, Dorothea Olkowski-Laetz, p. 111 of Postmodernism Philosophy and the Arts, edited by Hugh J. Silverman

"In its current incarnation...the simulacrum( according to Baudrillard) precedes reality....Signs no longer refer to an objective or subjective reality, but to themselves, because there is no reality left to represent, and because what we accept as reality is already a massive simulation, 'a fabrication of effects,' ' an artificial world without meaning.'" p. 112 ...and thusly a dismantling of time and history.

I refrain from consuming the same things every one else is and I know some don't but I think maybe we have passed out of the realm of sameness to where knowledge embedded in media is again so vast that what I and you know and the WAY we differ in knowing it allows for progress. Maybe better to consider we have passed through the postmodern period rather than reject it out of hand.

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