There are some reasons as to why students behave inappropriately. Firstly, the way society works these days affect students’ behavioural patterns. For instance, parents might spend more time at work than at home and as a result, children lack parental guidance, not knowing how they are supposed to behave. This in turn is likely to cause them to have behavioural problems. Secondly, such behaviours might be caused by external influences, such as internet and television. Students, for example, might watch TV shows that use a lot of violence. Therefore, they are likely to imitate in real life by being more aggressive and using more violence. After all, students, especially teenagers, are easily affected by external parties
There are some reasons as to why students behave inappropriately. Firstly, the way society works these days affect students’ behavioural patterns. For instance, parents might spend more time at work than at home and as a result, children lack parental guidance, not knowing how they are supposed to behave. This in turn is likely to cause them to have behavioural problems. Secondly, such behaviours might be caused by external influences, such as internet and television. Students, for example, might watch TV shows that use a lot of violence. Therefore, they are likely to imitate in real life by being more aggressive and using more violence. After all, students, especially teenagers, are easily affected by external parties
Due to globalization and liberalization lot of changes in the cultural values and traditions. Due to digital revolution Gen 'Z' generation students are exposed to lot irrelevant information. That makes them to perceive lot of things by their own. Moreover, parents themselves influenced to lot of social media contents. They also don't have the focus on their own children to groom. These factors leads to show less and less interest towards education. Henceforth, these days education becomes routine.
Do you think that education in some countries has become a routine matter?
In my country Malaysia - generally yes for most of the students in primary and lower forms in secondary schools. But in upper forms in secondary schools, students subject to streaming based on their subjects competency & preference which can be more exciting as they can study subjects / courses that they like & capable of.
However, we also need to cherish the education as a routine matter - because some children in some countries are not enjoying this routine matter due to wars, migrations, earthquakes, floods, disasters, drought, famine etc. whereby they need to come out to work to support their families.
Of course, but there is a worldwide tendency to move towards a better education.
There are arguments that prove it and below I recommend the source.
It is important to invest in Citizen Science in a particularly complex and trans modern historical context, in which education takes place.
Although the political discourse of the last decades has resulted in the need to invest in the knowledge industry, to prepare the citizen for the future society, such a reality confronts conflicting economic conditions, in this way the investments in future science, which knowledge industry, ceases to be even an aspiration in the less economically developed states.
The present global conditions strengthen the pseudo distribution of knowledge, this means an increase in the mass of industrial workers in less developed countries, while physical work for developed countries becomes increasingly irrelevant. Binimelis (2010) argues that knowledge is growing given the social dependence imposed by the new economy.
Such a situation has an inevitable meaning in innovative education or in routine education, we cannot forget the differences between both types of education: The routine it can be called education?
The societies that do not have as a goal the development of knowledge do not have the goal of developing an education for knowledge and innovation.
Link: Quality of life and education in the knowledge society
Chapter Quality of life and education in the knowledge society