The 13th International Yersinia Symposium web site is open at:

The 13th International Yersinia Symposium will be hosted by Madagascar from 16-19 September 2019 in Carlton Hotel, Antananarivo. The Symposium is co-organized by the Institut Pasteur de Madagascar and the Malagasy Ministry of Public Health. The International YersiniaSymposium is a unique event allowing us to share our knowledge on diverse research topics including bacteriology, epidemiology, infection and immunity, genomics and evolution, disease surveillance and control, biosafety and biosecurity. This event will bring together researchers working on the genus Yersinia from throughout the world. Participants will have the choice to present their work, or to simply attend the meeting. Abstracts for oral or poster communication will be evaluated by the scientific committee

The conference will include five oral sessions and one poster session. We are now open for abstract submission as well as registration for the 13th International Yersinia Symposium. Abstract submission deadline will be on June 20, 2019.

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