Context : Performance test, dichotomous, one-dimensional (at least in theory), at least 3PL (variable pseudo-guessing). Theta is assumed normal. But I'm also interested in answers in general in IRT.

Problem : It seems to me that EFA factor loadings provide clear guidelines to rank/select a subset of items from a pool (with referenced rules of thumb, etc.) when one does not have any prior info/assumption of theta (aka for "all" test-takers).

On the other hand, IRT is, in my opinion, a much more accurate representation of the psychological situation that underlies test situations, but it seems to me that there are a variety (especially in IRT-3PL / 4PL) of parameters to take into account all at once to select items, at least without any prior estimation of theta.

So I'm wondering if you knew of any guidelines/packages that can be referenced as a clear basis (meaning, not eye-balling item response functions) for item selection there. At this stage I'm thinking of a very non-parsimonious solution, like generating all item subsets possible (I'd get a LOT of models, but why not) -> fit IRT model -> compute marginal reliability (and/or...Information, of why not CFI, RMSEA, etc.) for thetas ranging between -3SD and +3SD -> Rank the subsets by descending marginal reliability (but I'm afraid it would bias towards more items, so I'd have to weight per item count maybe).

Anyway, you get the idea. Any known referenced procedures/packages?

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