Hello all,
I read this paper from Butler and Paton (Butler R.W.H., Paton D.A., 2010. Evaluating lateral compaction in deepwater fold and thrust belts: How much are we missing from “nature’s sandbox”?, GSA today, v.2 , n° 3, 7pp, 4-10, doi : 10.1130/GSATG77A.1) that shows on the Namibian margin how shortening related to gravity gliding can be accommodated by direct lateral compaction within the sedimentary layers. Lateral compaction could thus accommodate 18 to 25% of the shortening and then the amount of shortening evidenced by the reverse faults is lower than the true shortening.
Do you know other examples/references concerning lateral compaction process?
Does a low amount of shortening (say less than 25%) could be entirely accommodated by lateral compaction within the sedimentary layer, then without any reverse fault?
Many thanks in advance!