I am looking for data description, links to data browsers including data collected by national institutions in other countries over the worlds.

What are their parameters?

How often they are collected usually?

Is there any official data browser?

For example, in Poland, ​​LIDAR of whole country with an average density of 4p/m2 and 12 p/m2 (for big cities) has been almost collected (90%). Link to the availability of data (DSM, DTM, LAS datasets) http://skorowidze.codgik.gov.pl/nmt/

Aerial photos are obtained every 2-3 years for whole country with a resolution of 10 cm (for big cities) and 25 cm or 50 cm for agricultural regions (depending on the size of real-estates) Link:


I'll be grateful for the assistance and support information about situation in your countries.

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