Our mycotoxins are commonly solved in ACN, and my student forgot to evaporate and reconstitute them in injection solution. She injected them in ACN to LC-MS/MS directly! and this was the reason that I got these peaks. I know this is a simple step but we all know that they are just students!
Read this training article (the answer to your question can be found under point #2; "What should I dilute my sample in?").
"HPLC Injection Volume: What Should I Dilute It In and How Much Sample Can I Inject?"; https://hplctips.blogspot.com/2023/07/hplc-injection-volume-what-should-i.html
Maybe it is a problems in some grains, you need to ultracentrifugate the samples before the evaporation and after the reconstitution. So, you can use this little columns for clean the samples (https://www.romerlabs.com/es/catalog/product/view/id/2523/s/mycospin-400-multimycotoxin/category/97/) it is special for mycotoxins.