Do we really understand the notion of 'position', even in the case of an 'extended particle' which is charaterized by a mass density m_0 (or energy density T_00) as well as charge density j_0 looking similar to a system of chaotically or (quasi-)stochastically fluctuating massless dipoles?

What about a 'center of charge' x_cc in this case and the relevance of x_cc for theories (QM and QFT) which have been set up in order to describe interactions of particles beeing bound in atoms or nuclei or to describe interactions of particles in scattering processes?

Should one expect that a reasonably definend center of charge x_cc (if possible) performs a kind of random motion with respect to the 'center of mass' ('center of energy') x_ce?

Should one expect that in the case where x_ce of an 'extended particle' is considered to move freely from A to B along a straight line there is a relationship between the random motion of x_cc and the physical idea of Feynman's particle propagation and the corresponding path integral formalism in QM and QFT?  

Could a reasonable definition of a center of charge x_cc for 'extended particels' having a fluctuating charge distribution open up new aspects on the physical meaning of 'wave functions' of particles?

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