15 Questions 198 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Andrew Worsley
A serious question, if the minimum length of a single quanta (where n =1) is the Planck length; and the maximum wavelength, from E=hf (where f=1), is the speed of light in meters, then how are...
08 August 2018 7,084 3 View
It is generally thought (see Special Relativity, A. P. French) that the magnetism we detect form an electric field, is related to relative motion with respect to that field. Specifiically a moving...
03 March 2018 9,982 7 View
Diffrent latitudes on Earth have different velocities relative to each other. This is because the velocity is less at other parallel latitudes than at the equator. Have experiments confirmed this...
04 April 2017 7,631 23 View
We are all told that a black hole is a singularity where time stops and inside the black hole there is no space and the black hole itself has no volume. Does anyone really believe that is the...
07 July 2016 2,660 15 View
In conventional textbook SR the mass of an object with rest mass m0, increases its relativistic mass m' by the formula m' = m0. sqrt(1-v^2/c^2). What is the proposed mechanism for this increase...
01 January 2016 2,170 33 View
Conformal time states that the particle horizon is 1.5 times (multiplied by) the radius of the observable Universe. Is it real or it it imaginary
12 December 2015 3,572 7 View
The classical electron radius is well known and effectively represents the charge radius which is 2.82 X 10^-15 m. The "physical" radius of the free electron has yet to be determined...
12 December 2015 8,393 80 View
In many aspects of physics the numerical value of the powers of c (numerical powers of the speed of light) have been incredibly powerful in describing the both particle physics and...
11 November 2015 6,570 13 View
In the study of the electron the term h.c^4, or more specifically the exact term 8pi.h.c^4.alpha seems to have a special significance. The question is what (dimensionally or otherwise) do either...
10 October 2015 6,852 10 View
In 2009 a paper published in Nature purported to refute most if not all quantum gravity theories which proposed a possible minor shift in Lorentz invariance. The investigators found no invariance...
10 October 2015 2,351 0 View
We all know the Bohr radius and the classical electron radius. However no one has yet pinpointed the radius of the free electron. experimental data to date suggest it is less than 10^-18 m. This...
10 October 2015 4,891 11 View
The spin of the the electron is known as h/2. We are told that this is not the classical spin primarily because the speed of the electron would need to far exceed the speed of light. What is the...
10 October 2015 5,320 11 View
There is a very close and accurate agreement between the classical electron radius, alpha, the electron Compton wavelength and the Bohr radius. such that: re = alpha. lambdae /2pi =...
10 October 2015 8,482 52 View
It is stated that the electric component of EM waves is stronger than that of the magnetic component. That begs two questions: 1). what is the equivalency of the two components ie. how much...
09 September 2015 464 28 View
This is an extremely difficult mathematical question to which the attached paper will give you the methods for answering the question. The Jacobi elliptical function for the 3D binodal a2 phi2...
09 September 2015 2,577 0 View