Inertia is 'resistance to change'. General Relativity talks about inertial entities, which have mass. An inertial entity X given 2 points A, B in space-time, has to follow the topology of space-time to travel from point A to B (in the covariant form, there exists a fibre of the bundle space-time path between A to B and X follows it). General Relativity transforms the problem of Dynamics to the general problem of topology. As per General Relativity that existence of any inertial object modifies the topology of space-time. One of the assumptions with which general relativity starts is pre-existence of space-time topology, which is a non-trivial topology. So the concept of distance and path of connection between any two points A and B pre-exists. General Relativity assumes that there already exists a space-time non-trivial topology.

String theory on the other hand says that there are no point or dimensionless entities, but all entities are a one/two dimensional topological objects and there is non absolute space-time but all the strings in the universe interact to form the space-time. For example if there are N fundamental particles represented as 1-D sets A1, A2, ..., An then the non-interacting universe of them is a cartesian product of the all set: A1 X A2 X ... X An, which is N-dimensional. The interaction between strings reduces no. of allowed states so the universe is a subset of A1 X A2 X ... An. The topology of universe depends on how A1 X ... X An interact. In string theory there is a assumption of 1-D topology for every string and the overall topology of universe is determined by rules of interaction. So the string theory splits the problem of 4-D absolute space-time topology to a more fundamental 1-D topologies and thier interactions. The string is an ordered container of some elements (may be states of string). The containership and orderedness is a information, which comes from outside of the string.

My question on all this is: Why do the non-trivial topologies exists (law of inertial is a result of non-trivial topology)? Why does a string has a non-trivial topology (or an ordered set or a 1-D structure)? Isn't it presuming the structure of universe before defining it?

I think that we always presume existence of topology. The presumption of existence of topology is actually derived from set-theoritical basis of 'absolute existence', which means that anything which exists must have a container.I propose that we should start from a different philosophical basis of "Relative Existence", which will not need presumption of absolute topology. I believe that this paradigm will give us deeper insights in physics.

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