The relationships between natural variation and global warming are: (1) natural variation takes place around a stable long-term mean, whereas with global warming the mean is changing in one direction. For example, with temperature, the long-term mean is steadily increasing; (2) As the climate warms, natural variation increases in amplitude, so that extreme events (heat waves, floods, etc.) become more extreme over time.
Schimbările climatice cu caracter de regim (cum sunt variațiile temperaturii de la un anotimp la altul sau de la zi la noapte) după părerea mea, nu produc modificări majore asupra speciilor (populatiilor) habitatelor ci doar acele schimbări majore cu caracter de "zgomot" adică acele modificări excesive, cum ar fi secetă prelungită, precipitații excesive!! De cele mai multe ori schimbările majore duc la modificări ireversibile ale habitatelor ca de exemplu secarea unui râu sau pârâu duce la o dispariție totală a organismelor benctonice! Asa se explica și extincția multor specii (populații) în ultimile decenii ale secolului 20 și începutul secolului 21!
Yes, natural variations in climate absolutely exist and have caused warming and cooling periods throughout Earth's history. Volcanic eruptions, changes in the sun's output, and even the Earth's orbit can all influence temperature.
However, the key point is that these natural variations happen much slower than what we're seeing today. Scientists have overwhelmingly concluded that the current rate of warming is due primarily to human activities, especially the burning of fossil fuels which release greenhouse gases that trap heat in the atmosphere. The evidence shows a clear link between rising greenhouse gas concentrations and rising global temperatures [US EPA].
Seasonal changes in temperature are a natural part of Earth's climate. However, global climate change affects these seasonal patterns. While some areas might see colder winters due to changes in circulation patterns, the overall trend is for warmer averages throughout the year. This means hotter summers, milder winters, and disruptions to precipitation patterns which can lead to more extreme weather events.
Here are some resources for further reading:
US EPAUS Environmental Protection Agency:pen_spark