No, because MCF-7 is an estrogen dependent cell line. So, formation of tumors from MCF-7 cells implanted in nude mice is dependent upon the presence of estrogen. In addition to estrogen, MCF-7 cells also contain receptors for a number of other hormones and growth factors and have been shown to be responsive to the addition of various agonists for these receptors.
So, for a proper tumor growth, the presence of estrogen is essential and therefore to maintain the level of hormone, estrogen has to be supplied externally in the form of pellets. The amount of estrogen supplementation also matters as high concentration may cause urosepsis.
For more information you may want to refer to the paper attached below.
Article Low Dose, Low Cost Estradiol Pellets Can Support MCF-7 Tumou...
You may mix MCF-7 cells and Matrigel in the ratio (1:1) to make up a volume of 100ul right before injection. This will help to increase the pick-up rate, uniformity, and growth rate of tumors as it will give support in angiogenesis. Administration of estrogen (s.c. pellet of 17 beta-estradiol and estrone in drinking water, 0.5 mg/l) to nude mice may result in sustained growth of MCF-7 tumors. Tumor formation may be observed within 5-6 weeks of inoculation.
Hi Abhijeet, I was also interested in this topic. I found this publication describing a s.c. MCF7 mouse model:
Growth of MCF-7 breast cancer cells and efficacy of anti-angiogenic agents in a hydroxyethyl chitosan/glycidyl methacrylate hydrogel - PubMed (
In addition a German CRO is offering MCF-7 as s.c. model:
MCF7: Subcutaneous breast cancer xenograft tumor model (