Dear Chandrika D Patel, it depends on initial Tg value, i.e., you are applying strain below (glassy state) or above (rubery-like state) Tg. In the glassy state the deformation is negligeable, so one may expect minor variation in Tg, if any. However, in the second situation where the deformation is favorable, regarding the possible chains orientation, it is expected to reduce free volume and increasing cohesion energy, these lead to a positive increase in Tg. Of course other parameters are to be considered, such as amorphous or at least semicrystalline polymer and strain rate and extent. In this later it is possible to reach the point of SIC (stress/strain induced crystallization). My Regards
Chandrika D Patel In my opinion it depends also on what material is being tested! but I see Abdelkader BOUAZIZ gave a good and clear explanation, in the glassy state we may expect a negligable deformation
Chandrika D Patel as the dynamic strain amplitude is increased, the strain rate will be raised. This has the same effect as increasing the frequency, so Tg would be expected to increase.