On the subject of physisorption of porous materials. With respect to pore-size distribution obtained via MIP analysis, different PSD epresentations exist. 

For example, differential pore volume distribution D2 or dV/dD, expressed in e.g. cc/g/nm, is IUPAC recommended. However, a logaritmic differential pore volume distribution D3 or dV/dlogD, expressed in e.g. cc/g, also exists. These cannot be compared directly. 

The data I have is expressed in terms of dV/dlogD, and I also have corresponding incremental volume and diameters (ordered from large to small as usual in MIP).

Is it correct to convert this to dV/dD by calculating for each i:

dVi = Vi-1-Vi

dlogDi = log(Di-1) - log(Di)

And to use these to obtain D2 via:

D2 = D3 * dlogDi/dDi


dVi/dDi = dVi/dlogDi * dlogDi/dDi

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