I read in the FreeSurfer wiki that using T2 or FLAIR images could improve the skull-stripping giving a better outcome for pial surface reconstruction. Did anyone actually have tried this? is worth the effort? 

I'm having trouble running the command, because or FS don't recognize the -FLAIR or -FLAIRpial flags, or can't be able to find the image I specified the path to. I'm using FreeSurfer v.5.1.0.

Since the last thing happened to me when I first tried the recon-all command, and the FS tutorial don't specify that you have to call your original MPRAGE-3D as 001.mgz and save it on the orig/mri path, could this happen with the FLAIR image as well? FLAIR image has to be in a particular folder or named specifically? 

 Thank you all,


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