It is well-accepted that martensite is tetragonally distorted with respect to bcc. I wonder, whether anyone published already EBSD maps based on a tetragonal indexing? Or does everybody simply assumes that the blurred patterns are really not suitable for a tetragonal indexing? I've just read a paper from Stormvinter and coworkers ( A. Stormvinter et al. / Acta Materialia 60 (2012) 7265–7274) where they wrote:
"The martensite phase is indexed as body-centered cubic (bcc) phase, since it has been recently concluded by some of the present authors that this would be feasible on body-centered tetragonal (bct) martensite [33]. "
Unfortunately [33] is a paper in preparation and possibly never appeared.
On the other hand, is is differentiation between bcc and bct really meaningful or more an academic challenge?