01 January 1970 8 2K Report

Lockdown every now and then universities closed as other institutions. Teaching design online is emerging with new normals as we are witnessing in other fields. For my major studio subject, I have to spend hours staring at gleaming laptop screen, giving students feedback on their designs and discussing possibilities out of their process work. There's no in-person interaction, we are not experiencing materials with students to share creative alternates, gestures are limited to convey subtleties and no in-classroom movements to give your backbone some relaxation. On the flip side, there are positive aspects of distance education I can give each student sufficient time to discuss her work, my design vocabulary has been drastically improved and I can reflect on my teaching better than ever as there are a lot of data that I can access about my class. COVID-19 brought me more time for my family and work-life balance seems an achievable task. What's your thought on experiential learning during the pandemic?

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